The bunkers have all had a weed-eat, spray and re-shaping of the sand this week. This is why they were GUR for a few days as it meant we could work in them without having to rake our footprints out … [Read more...]
13th April 2018
I would like to start this post by thanking Sheldon for his 13 years on the grounds staff at the Nelson Golf Club. He has been a valuable employee saving the Club a huge amount in the engineering … [Read more...]
6th April 2018
I have been away for the past week. It is pleasing to see the new seed germinating on the Fairways. Its a long way to go, but together with another sowing of grass seed, this should see good recovery … [Read more...]
16th March 2018
This week we have begun slicing and seeding the Fairways. This will continue over the coming weeks to take advantage of the Autumn sowing season. This is part of the Fairway improvement program of … [Read more...]
2nd March 2018
The Greens have been double verti-cut this week. They have had a couple of rolls and are close to their normal condition less than 2 weeks after verti-draining. This speedy recovery has been enhanced … [Read more...]
16th February 2018
The Fairways have had a solid fertilizer applied this week. This is in preparation for the upcoming seeding program and also to assist with the salt water damage recovery. The Greens have also been … [Read more...]
9th February 2018
A huge thanks to all the members who turned up last week to help with the storm clean up. Your efforts enabled the Course staff to focus on the larger clean up which greatly assisted in getting the … [Read more...]
18th January 2018
Well this month so far has been very different to the last 3 months of 2017. W have recorded 222mm of rain so far this month. The benefit of the seeding program on the fairways can now be seen with … [Read more...]
22nd December 2017
Well thats nearly an end to another year at the Nelson Golf Club. I hope I am writing this post next year with far better ability to water our Course than I do presently. Hopefully we get some of the … [Read more...]
7th December 2017
It was great to see a good turnout for this weeks AGM. I hope everyone gained the answers and information they were seeking. It promises to be a very enthusiastic new Board we have which will be a … [Read more...]
27th November 2017
Last week I sprayed all the Fairways and most of the rough for weeds. You will notice a lot of weeds curling up on the Course as they die. The 6th bunker has been sowed and we should be seeing some … [Read more...]
17th November 2017
This week we have been removing turf from the bunker on the 6th and shaping up the surrounding areas to get the mounding to match in with the existing terrain. This area will be sown next … [Read more...]
10th November 2017
The Greens have been fertilized with a solid fertilizer this week. The plan is to over sow and sand them next week. The long rough has been topped this week and will be assessed at next weeks … [Read more...]
3rd November 2017
It has been a busy week fertilizing Greens, Surrounds and Fairways. The 5mm of rain we have had will wash everything in nicely and we should see a response over the coming weeks. The Tees have also … [Read more...]
20th October 2017
With a dry week we have finally been able to get on top of the mowing around the Course. My advice would be to get out and play as much as possible while we can maintain the Fairways in the condition … [Read more...]
6th October 2017
With a fine, windy week we have been concentrating on getting the Course mowed into shape. The wet, warm Spring has provided a perfect scenario for Spring growth. It takes a couple of weeks to get on … [Read more...]
29th September 2017
We have replaced all the rakes in the bunkers with a new type endorsed by the Grounds Committee. Please remember to leave the rakes in the bunkers after use. The long rough has now been topped in … [Read more...]
15th September 2017
It was great to finally see the Course fully mowed this week. Hopefully we miss most of the forecast weekend rain and we get a fine spell. The Grounds Committee meet on Tuesday. If anyone has any … [Read more...]
8th September 2017
Well the rain just keeps coming. We just start to dry out and then get another 10mm of rain or so to wet the place. With the warmer nights and lack of frosts, the growth is starting to kick in. The … [Read more...]
11th August 2017
Sorry for no post last week, I was off on sick leave with that horrible Flu that is going around. We have had the pump out again this week trying to remove as much water as possible from the area … [Read more...]