Well the rain just keeps coming. We just start to dry out and then get another 10mm of rain or so to wet the place. With the warmer nights and lack of frosts, the growth is starting to kick in. The Fairways are looking really good compared to the past few years. Hopefully the normal dry winds stay away this year and the introduced grass gets a really good first Spring to establish.
The Greens have been Needle Tined as part of their monthly program. They will soon be Verti-Cut two ways and have a Browntop seed applied followed up by the resumption of our normal sanding program. We had to stop the light sanding during Winter this year due to our sand supply hole filling with water.
The 5th ex bunker area will be sown as soon as the weather is favourable. We have been getting too much rain recently to enable a ggod seed strike. The 6th Bunker will then be filled and some shaping work done to marry it in to the existing area.