Bottletoppers Mid Week Group
Who we are
The Nelson Golf Clubs Bottletoppers are a group of gentlemen golfers of mixed ages and abilities. Our philosophy is one of enjoyment of the game in the company of congenial like-minded players. Bottletoppers have been an integral part of mid week golf at the Club for around 50 years. We use numbered bottletops as a way of managing entry and then drawing partners.
How we operate
Our group meets on Wednesday mornings around 9.00am. We put in a $2 entry and collect a bottletop each. A draw is conducted using the tops taken. We then play a full 18 holes in groups of three or four. From May the club operates a frost policy whereby we start an hour later. This policy runs until late August
What we play for
We vary our competitions each week to provide both challenge and interest. We also run special events such as eclectics and nearest the pin during the year. We all compete for our Grant Tilley Memorial Trophy between December and March.
How the entry money is used.
Half of the $2 pool is distributed as prizes on the day. The balance is put towards an end of season social gathering
New members
We are a friendly group who extend a warm welcome to anyone who is looking for regular mid week golf in a relaxed setting on a picturesque course. Contact details are provided below should anyone require further information.
Meeting: Wednesdays before 9.00am (Note: from May before 10.00am after the start of the club’s frost policy)
Cost: $ 2.00 per player (Note: $ 3.00 per player last Wednesday each month when we run a teams event)
Peter Falvey 0226 756 342
Robert Horrocks 0212 372 059
Email Us for more information